Flowers blooming in a garden, Alaska

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National Gardening Week - Mulch ado about gardening

It's time to grab a trowel, roll up your sleeves, and get planting: National Gardening Week is starting today! First celebrated in 1987, the week is all about getting more people involved in gardening. Being home to a wide range of trees, flowers, shrubs, and grasses, gardens can help the environment by absorbing carbon dioxide, filtering water, and encouraging insect life. Gardening clubs across the country celebrate this week by organizing workshops, visiting public gardens, or placing plants at public facilities. Tending to a garden is also good exercise and being outside in the sunshine is a great way to get more vitamin D. Gardening can even boost your mood, helping you to feel more relaxed and peaceful. As the actress and keen gardener Audrey Hepburn put it: 'To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.'